Chinese Cuisine Community
INDS 752-Grad Interior Design Studio IV
Fall 2020
Prof. Challie Schafer
Bai Ge
Chinese Cuisine Community
INDS 752-Grad Interior Design Studio IV
Fall 2020
Prof. Challie Schafer
Bai Ge
Chinese Cuisine Community
INDS 752-Grad Interior Design Studio IV
Fall 2020
Prof. Challie Schafer
Bai Ge
Chinese Cuisine Community
INDS 752-Grad Interior Design Studio IV
Fall 2020
Prof. Challie Schafer
Bai Ge
Chinese Cuisine Community
INDS 752-Grad Interior Design Studio IV
Fall 2020
Prof. Challie Schafer
Bai Ge
To See to Believe?
Reality V.S. Virtuality
Winter 2020

Project Statement:
The project was inspired by an Italian law banning goldfish from being kept in circular tanks, which the government sees as a distortion of the goldfish's worldview. This act triggered a series of reflections on the reality of the world that drove me to this exhibition.
The scope of this project includes interior space, internal installation, and exhibition content. Hoping that visitors can experience fresh feelings through this exhibition. After leaving this "surreal" space, visitors can start thinking.